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Lillie's Love 2nd Annual Golf Tournament

Pediatric Myocarditis Awareness

Calling All Golfers!!

When: Saturday, June 4, 2022

Where: Gauntlet Golf Club

18 Fairway Dr, Fredericksburg, VA 22406

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding our 2nd Annual Lillie's Love Golf Tournament on Saturday, June 4, 2022 at the Gauntlet. As always, sponsors and donations are greatly appreciated. See the flyer below for more details.


It's been a long time coming and we hope to see a lot of our past participants as well as new ones. Looking forward to it and can't wait to see everyone!


Register online via the button below.


Testimonials From 1st Annual Golf Tournament in 2019

Had a blast celebrating the life of Lillie Hall. Shout out to the whole family.  Great job guys!! It was perfect!!! 


- Kevin Hitt

You all are the best.  Great job! Much love sent your way!!


- Lesley Rohde

Tournament was great. Course was fabulous, staff committed, volunteers were passionate about what they were doing and who they were doing it for. All In all, great tourney. I will be back next year.


- Jim Smith 

Great success for your 1st time. Like I told you, you guys ROCK!! I had a wonderful time with you all today. This dreaded disease made us one family.


- Becky Wagner

For the first-year event, it was the most organized and well thought out event I have ever seen. All I can say is…WOW!! Great Job!!  We are beyond excited that you will be coming back for the 2nd Annual Lillie’s Love tournament.


- Mike Byrd

Manager, Gauntlet Golf Club

Lillie’s Love 1st Annual Golf Tournament was a great success! Teri, Lindsay, and Willie pulled off an awesome event and I personally can’t wait till next year! A lot of fun was had by all and I hope a lot of awareness was made. Knowledge is power, and we have to help educate everyone to stop the heartache of losing our loves ones!!


- LeAnne Hall

Wonderful organization commemorating a beautiful childs’ life and supporting education and research for Myocarditis.


- Anna Smith

Way to go! So glad it was a huge success.


- Lorraine KentSwisher

I am so glad it was a success. Let’s keep it going. Teri, I know you worked really hard on this – great job!


- Eileen Bradner

You did an amazing job and I know Lillie would be proud – you should be too!

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